Crime Rates in Missouri

28/04/2013 07:09

The state of Missouri is bustling with crime.  Nevertheless there is a positive trend in which crime rates are slightly dropping or at least do not rise. This means, law enforcement authorities are able to contain the problem.  As a result, the number of Missouri arrest warrants has recently been lowered. To fully understand this positive phenomenon, one must refer to specific examples. The following figures relate to the years 1990 and 2011.

In 1990 there were 36,600 violent crimes in Missouri. In 2011, the number dropped to around 27,000 cases. The number of murders that occurred in 1990 was almost 450. 20 years later it was less than 370. The number of rape crimes in 1990 stood at close to 1,660.  In 2011 there were less than 1460 rape incidents reported.

When it comes to robbery, the year 1990 was characterized by 10,000. In 2011 this number was reduced to less than 6,300. This is an almost 40 per cent reduction.

These numbers are a clear indication of efficient law enforcement.

Further Reading:

Missouri Department of Public Safety - Missouri Crime Prevention Center

 Missouri Sheriffs' Association